10 pound baby was a dream! Seattle newborn photographer

Not many babies are born over 10 lbs. I can count on one hand how many under 2 week olds I have had under 10lbs! The mom of this little one said that the nurses at her hospital were saying the same thing.

She was so squishy and rolly polly, and dreamy. She was calm most of the session except for the one time she asked for food. When she did she nursed on one side, and then was content. If I had a baby like this I think I truly would have had ten!

I would say 90% of new moms who come in studio with their under 15 days old, are normally not nursing exclusively. Not because they don’t want to, because baby and mom are still figuring nursing out. And in order to get baby to gain weight they are pumping and baby is also getting pumped breastmilk.

It truly doesn’t matter how you feed your little one, fed is best.

Here are some of her photos from her session. Have a look on my instagram link here, so see beautiful photos of her family of 4, or just scroll down.
I can’t wait to photograph more squishy newborns!